Simple BLOG Module

Simple BLOG Module for Content Management SystemThe Simple BLOG Module of CrazySimpleCMS will allow you to publish a continuous feed of articles, or posts to your website. Each “POST” will include; a title, an image, an author, a date, and the article content. You will be able to add, edit and delete blogs at any time.

The Simple BLOG Module will then allow you to publish short “Teasers” about the BLOGS to any page on your website. A “Teaser” is simply the Title, a thumbnail image, the truncated body of the content, and a button that would read “Click for More”. When the visitor clicks this button, they are taken to a page that contains the entire post.

Your website can be set up to show any number of the most recent Posts in this truncated format. So, as you publish additional Posts to your BLOG, your website will automatically update to include the freshest Posts.

The Simple BLOG Module can be customized to fit your individual needs. It works great to publish company projects, employee of the month, next speaker, press releases, and more.

  • Content Module

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  • Media Module

    image upload icon

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